Tuesday, 30 June 2020

I started a blog... which started the whole world crying

Having enjoyed reading the blogs of Messrs Crawley, Canham, Phillips et al over the years, I've decided to have a bash myself. This blog will document my attempts to bring various wargaming & painting projects to fruition. I might even get to play a game one of these days...

First featured project is a bit of a random one. I have joined Per Broden's communal effort to paint two 6mm Imagination armies, to be auctioned off for charity. My allocated unit is Tejler's Regiment of Foot, of the Kingdom of Denswe:

Here they are having had a grey spray undercoat followed by a black wash.

The photos are bit dark, but they have now had their blue coats base coated with Moody Blue from the Citadel Monster Paint set that I bought in around 1989. Somehow it's still going strong. They've then had a quick drybrush with a lighter blue, before the musket barrels and some hair painted brown. The other chaps' hair has been done in black.

The regiment is to have blue coats with green facings. I've decided to use Revell Fern Green (I have no brand loyalty when it comes to paints and just use whatever paint I like the look of) as it's bright but not too dayglo or gaudy. I'm going to have reversed colours on my drummer, while Colonel Anders "Bullet Magnet" Tejler shall have fair hair and a smart white coat. Just because I can.

Further progress to follow.