Sunday 2 August 2020

Equally Cursed and Blessed

Andreivia is a multi-ethnic country and so I wanted to feature the other main ethnic groups in the Royal Andreivian Army. 

These are ethnic Turkish light infantry:

I've used Austrian Grenzers from the Baccus 7 Years War range. The minis have a short, military cut jacket worn open. Like the regular infantry, I wanted them to look more "Eastern" so have painted them grey, with a red-brown waistcoat instead. I used 3 different shades of grey on the figures, but that isn't very obvious when looking at the finished product. There are 3 regiments of light infantry. 

Next we have ethnic Armenian horsemen:

These are Baccus Cossacks from their Great Northern War Russians. I was not sure how to paint these chaps, but ended up with a mix of greys, black and white tunics, with again a random selection of hat colours, to create a less uniform look. I also mixed up how they were positioned on their bases rather than gluing them in line abreast, as befits irregular cavalry.

Upon further research, it turns out that Armenia is quite a mountainous country, so I'm not sure that they would have been noted horsemen at all. Perhaps the Turks should have been the horsemen and the Armenians light infantry? Hey ho.

I also created a Armenian officer/Notable:

I have used another Cossack plus a chap from the Mahdist Emirs pack. The Armenian cavalry have also been bulked with commanders from the Mahdist Emirs.

I really hope that we can get the Crisis Point weekend reorganised for another date. If not, Neil and I will have to determine the outcome of the War of Andreivian Succession over a series of battles ourselves.

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